As a mission church, Holy Trinity is committed to the spreading of the Gospel, good news, of our Savior Jesus Christ who was crucified and rose again for our salvation. We believe that by sharing the unaltered and true Word of God, and in the administration of His saving gifts of Baptism and Holy Communion according to the manner in which Jesus Christ instituted them, the grace of God’s love for all mankind will rescue all who are lost to sin. As a mainline Christian church who values the truth of God’s Word, we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit to share this truth with all people as Jesus commissioned us to do in Matthew 28:20. In this light, it is our intention to grow and to continue the spreading of God’s Word by planting other churches in the area. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is a congregation member of the Luther Church-Missouri Synod. Our church body is the second largest Lutheran church body in North America comprised of over 2.5 million baptized members and it is the 11th largest Christian denomination in the USA. You can learn more about the LCMS at
Holy Trinity is beginning as a mission effort of its sister congregation Grace Lutheran Church in Sandy, UT. The outpouring of prayers and financial support from this group of committed Christians has given Holy Trinity its genesis. Along with Grace, all of the Lutheran churches in Utah, as well as the churches of the Rocky Mountain District of the LCMS in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona are to be given thanks for their prayerful support of this new mission effort.